The return of De Ashanti, again!

The return of De Ashanti, again!

He is often described as “the people’s king”. Troubled Calypsonian Herman “Ashanti” has had a bond with Calypso lovers here, built on a rock of mixed emotions. Even those in competing camps, cannot deny his inimitable voice, his ability to connect with his audience in song and punctuate each line with just the right passion at the right time.

Ashanti made his debut in the Calypso arena in the eighties performing as “The Young Surpriser” at first, before a name change to “Ashanti.” For the next ten years or so Ashanti delivered a number of memorable hits from the pens of Trevor “Jah T” Anthony and Nahum Jn Baptiste. He went on to win his first title, the “road march” in 1986 with Sufferers Song (Malayway) and won the Calypso Monarch titles in 1990 and 1991. In 2004 Ashanti landed three songs in the top 25 Calypsos since independence event; Sufferers Song, Mele’, and Lucian Population.

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