Queen Majesty: How One New Yorker Rose From Reggae DJ to Hot Sauce Royalty

The first time Erica Diehl heard 1960s Jamaican music, her whole world rearranged to make room for it. The current hot sauce maker and former DJ had moved from Buffalo to New York City in 1994, looking to become a painter, when she was hit by the reggae blindside.

“I started collecting everything I could find," she says of her crate-digging early days, before crafting locally-made hot sauces consumed her every waking moment. "This led to discoveries about other eras and artists and started turning into a real specialized collection.” It wasn’t until the early 2000s, when she took a job at a graphic design agency, that someone suggested she make something of this obsession by DJing her expanding collection.

via Queen Majesty: How One New Yorker Rose From Reggae DJ to Hot Sauce Royalty.

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