Bob Marley and the Golden Age of Reggae

Bob Marley and the Golden Age of Reggae

Established more than 10 years ago, in Autumn 1998, Proud Galleries has quickly worked its way up to become one of most popular privately-funded photographic galleries in Europe. Proud Camden, its North London branch situated in the heart of the Stables Market, has made its mark as a premier contemporary gallery and live music venue. The gallery attracts collectors, photography enthusiasts, music lovers and newcomers to the field, focusing on photography that reflects our popular culture. The exhibits are often cutting-edge and reflect a passion for fashion and rock & roll. This formula is why past landmark shows including ‘Destroy: The Sex Pistols’, ‘Rankin’s Nudes’ and ‘The Underexposed’ were such a success, and why ‘Bob Marley & the Golden Age of Reggae’, will undoubtedly attract widespread media coverage and crowds of art enthusiasts.


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