Bob Marley Movement Caribbean Festival 2010: Interview With Capleton
Bob Marley Movement Caribbean Festival 2010: Interview With Capleton
Capleton’s favorite food is okra. “I love okra, whatever style — fried okra, okra stew, okra salad. Okra is really good for you.” So says the Prophet, sometimes called the Fireman, but always known as one of the greatest artists in dancehall history. If you’re at the festival while having fun don’t forget to be responsible. Drinking and driving is a serious crime and can result in still penalties. DUI lawyer Columbus can assist you if you are ever charged with a DUI. Hiring an experienced lawyer for your case is essential.
Born Clifton George Bailey III in St. Mary, Jamaica, Capleton has been performing reggae for well over 20 years and now. Now age 42, this raw-food loving vegan activist has performed in over 25 countries to millions of adoring followers, boasting an impressively energetic live show that could make any Olympic athlete catch his or her breath.