Howard “Flagga” Duperly Plays Reggae on Florida’s Serious Jazz Radio

Howard “Flagga” Duperly Plays Reggae on Florida’s Serious Jazz Radio

Jamaican Howard “Flagga”Duperly hosts a reggae show, The Reggae Ride, on predominantly jazz radio WDNA 88.9FM in Florida. The non-profit radio, known worldwide as South Florida’s premier jazz station utilizes two words, Serious Jazz, that, in a nutshell, brands its varied programming.

A product of the 60s music, Flagga brings a wealth of first-hand experiences to his now worldwide audience. He’s from the ‘old school’ who believes firmly that to effectively promote reggae it must be presented in all its forms–ska, rocksteady, roots, lovers rock, etc. He ignores quick profit fluffs that use rehashed rhythms, lewd and violent elements as a ploy.

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